Saturday, November 12, 2011

a taste of Guerrilla Marketing

Today people walking around the streets of Baltimore are seeing this at their feet:

It's a sidewalk cling bearing an image of Joan of Arc (created by BSO's incredibly talented graphic designer, Elisa, who is also real sweetheart!).

When you go to, you will see proof that sometimes I get to do things which are (a) Fun and (b) Somewhat Significant:

- Who is Joan? Video: Created by the brilliant people at Digital Cave, and I was fortunate enough to be able to accompany them for the filming. I made the "WHO IS JOAN?" signs and even have a cameo appearance in the video (watch closely)!

- Who is Joan? Text: If writing on the "Who is Joan?" landing page sounds oddly familiar, that is because I wrote it! As you will see, I was encouraged to exercise a colloquial, youthful voice; in hopes that our message would resonate with populations that aren't familiar with the BSO. But I never wanted this paragraph to appear first:

I wish they would remove that paragraph because then the first thing people will see when they arrive on the page is the sales pitch, which is going to immediately put them off! It totally ruins the intrigue and mystery we hoped to accomplish! Once they read that, they won't want to read any thing else, and they won't have any reason to! Really, really a poor choice to put that paragraph first. But what do I know? I'm only the intern.

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